June 27, 2009

Visiting Monk

It is not every Saturday morning, when a South- African/ English Monk, comes to live in your house. 
My family- who are used to talking loudly, sun tanning, playing music, and basically living like any other household would do, has to change the way we live for our monk. 
My shoulders which are normally bare, are now covered by a blouse. The house is quiet and peaceful, and very tranquil. No arguments take place; we talk in respectful tones (something hard for teenagers). We prepare two meals for our monk. Breakfast and lunch-  both must be served before 12. A girl cannot touch a monk, turn her back to him, or pass him an item. 
Our monk teaches us meditation, and tells us stories from his travels. 

What's funny about this, is that my friends are all probably watching TV, or on Facebook, or still sleeping. 
My Saturday morning is not the usual :)


  1. If its any consolation, we may be watching tv or on facebook but we're all thinking of you :)

  2. Sounds like your having a great new experience and thats kool.


  3. I love your blog, i think its brilliant.
    thanks for sharing so much with us you lead an awesome life!

  4. Hello,I am an American student of Dhammasara's. What an amazing individual he is. I can say that has has been a conduit for deep change in my life,and like a ripple in a pond,he has indirectly affected the lives of those around me too. He has since moved on to Chicago after leaving the Vihara in Springfield Illinois.
    I just wanted to pass on a mutual appreciation.

    -With Metta
